Operator Config

Deploying workloads

Workload can be deployed to devices after they are registered with the cluster. EdgeWorkload can be deployed only on edge devices in the same namespace.

Deploying by device ID


When both methods are used in one EdgeWorkload, this one takes precedence over the selector-based one.

EdgeWorkload can be deployed on one chosen device by specifying its name in spec.device property.

For example, for EdgeDevice 242e48d0-286b-4170-9b97-95502066e6ae, following property should be set in EdgeWorkload yaml:

  device: 242e48d0-286b-4170-9b97-95502066e6ae

Deploying with selector

EdgeWorkload can be installed on multiple devices using label selectors.

To deploy your workload using this method:

1) Label chosen EdgeDevice objects;

For example:

oc label edgedevice 242e48d0-286b-4170-9b97-95502066e6ae dc=emea

2) Select dc=emea label in the EdgeWorkload specification:

     dc: emea


     - key: dc
       operator: In
       values: [emea]

The second approach can be used for matching multiple values of one label. For example:

     - key: dc
       operator: In
       values: [emea, apac]

3) Create the EdgeWorkload in the cluster:

kubectl apply -f your-workload.yaml

Inspecting workload status

To check statuses of all workloads deployed to an edge device:

kubectl get edgedevice <edge device name> -ojsonpath="{range .status.workloads[*]}{.name}{':\t'}{.phase}{'\n'}{end}"

To list all devices having chosen workload deployed:

oc get edgedevice -l workload/<workload-name>="true"

EdgeDevice is labeled with workload/<workload-name>="true" when EdgeWorkload is added to it.

Container Image Registries Credentials

Container images used by EdgeWorkloads may be hosted in private, protected repositories requiring clients to present correct credentials. Users can provide said credentials to Flotta operator as a Secret referred to by an EdgeWorkload.

Secret should contain correct docker auth file under the .dockerconfigjson key:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: pull-secret
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
  .dockerconfigjson: ewoJImF1dGhzIjogewoJCSJxdWF5LmlvIjogewoJCQkiYXV0aCI6ICJabTl2SUdKaGNpQm1iMjhnWW1GeUNnPT0iCgkJfQoJfQp9Cg==

where .dockerconfigjson is a base64 encoded Docker auth file JSON:

  "auths": {
    "quay.io": {
      "auth": "Zm9vIGJhciBmb28gYmFyCg=="

The above JSON can be taken from file created by running podman login, docker login or similar.

Secret created above must be placed in the same namespace as EdgeWorkload using it.

Reference to the above Secret in an EdgeWorkload spec:

      name: pull-secret

Podman auto-update

Auto update containers according to their auto-update policy.

Auto-update looks up containers with a specified io.containers.autoupdate label. This label is set by the flotta-operator. Flotta-operator looks up labels on EdgeWorkloads CR prefixed by podman/ string. If such label is found it’s propageted to the podman pod and containers.

If the label is present and set to registry, Podman reaches out to the corresponding registry to check if the image has been updated. The label image is an alternative to registry maintained for backwards compatibility. An image is considered updated if the digest in the local storage is different than the one of the remote image. If an image must be updated, Podman pulls it down and restarts the systemd unit executing the container.

If ImageRegistries.AuthFileSecret is defined, Podman reaches out to the corresponding authfile when pulling images.

Edgedevice start the podman-auto-update.timer which is responsible for executing the podman-auto-update.service. This unit is triggered daily.

To create a Edgeworkload with auto-update feature enabled define following label:

apiVersion: management.project-flotta.io/v1alpha1
kind: EdgeWorkload
  name: nginx
    podman/io.containers.autoupdate: registry
      device: local
  type: pod
        - name: nginx
          image: quay.io/bitnami/nginx:1.20


To change the verbosity of the logger, the user can update the value of the LOG_LEVEL field. Admitted values are: debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, and fatal. Refer to zapcore docs for details on each log level.

For example:

kubectl patch cm -n flotta flotta-operator-manager-config \
  --type merge \
  --patch '{"data":{"LOG_LEVEL": "debug"}}'

In case of:

  • Inside the cluster run, the pod will be automatically restarted.
  • Outside the cluster run, the user must set the LOG_LEVEL field and manually restart the operator.
