Log Collection on Flotta devices

Published on Apr 10, 2022 by Eloy Coto on guide flotta logs

When running thousands of devices on the far edge, log collection retrieval may differ from one site to another, as also the limit of data that can be sent from the device or stored in the device.

At the same time, workload logs can vary in terms of importance, so the backup workload logs maybe need to be always pushed, and maybe another workload with less importance can lose logs on network connectivity issues. At the same time, maybe you don’t want workload that manages any personal information to send information outside the country.

For that, Flotta introduces log collection targets, so each device - or deviceSets- will have a set of custom logs servers that one workload can use to send the logs to.

Device Logs diagram

The main use case is to be able to define servers in edge devices and these servers to be consumed by the workloads; this way user roles are very well defined - edge-administrators define the servers and developers use the given values.

A sample workflow for a retail store can be:

Edge Device Administrator: defines the device security, heartbeat and general options based on the device or deviceSet. In this case, will define two kinds of logs servers, LogSecure which always pushes the logs to the server, with big storing buffers. At the same time, there is a logGeneral, that is the server that may lose logs on network downtime, or maybe using different transports.

Edge developer: In this case, the developer knows that for running the workload in all stores, there are always two kinds of log servers that can be used, because Edge Administration shared all the details about buffer, quotas and destination.

To collect logs, a subprocess reads the workloads stdout and pushes it to a buffer, even if the device is disconnected from network for a while, it’ll push the right timestamp to the server, due to the buffer being aware of the log was retrieved. When the buffer is full, some logs will be dropped to avoid filling the RAM on the device.

Regarding transports, at the moment, the Flotta device agent only supports raw Syslog transport, but in the following releases, new transports will be added, like Loki, Kafka, Elastic and MQTT.

Example setup

It’s quite easy to setup an edge device; in case of Syslog, the following config-maps should be in place:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: dc1-syslog
  namespace: default
  Address: dc1.syslog.project-flotta.io:601
  Protocol: tcp
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: secure-syslog
  namespace: default
  Address: secure.dc1.syslog.project-flotta.io:601
  Protocol: tcp

Per each device, the following logCollection attribute should be added:

apiVersion: management.project-flotta.io/v1alpha1
kind: EdgeDevice
  name: e5f44cc8ddfb408a9b85f54c0c3efa02
  namespace: default
  requestTime: "2022-03-23T11:40:59Z"
     bufferSize: 10
     kind: syslog
       name: dc1-syslog
     bufferSize: 100
     kind: syslog
       name: secure-syslog

So, dc1-syslog will only store 10Mb of logs in the buffer, meanwhile dc1-syslog can submit much bigger logs and make sure that logs are not dropped.

Edge Workload setup

At the EdgeWorkload, the following information should be added:

apiVersion: management.project-flotta.io/v1alpha1
kind: EdgeWorkload
  name: random-workload
  logCollection: dc1-syslog
      app: foo
  type: pod
        - name: random-server
          image: docker.io/eloycoto/logexample

And for secure syslog server can be the following:

apiVersion: management.project-flotta.io/v1alpha1
kind: EdgeWorkload
  name: payment-workload
  logCollection: secure-syslog
      app: foo
  type: pod
        - name: random-server
          image: docker.io/eloycoto/payments:v1

So each deployment will use the log collection given by the edge-administrator.

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