Flotta Developer CLI

Published on Jul 20, 2022 by Ariel Ireni, Moti Asayag on guide flotta dev-cli

Flotta Developer CLI was created to enable easy creation of edge devices and deploy predefine workloads on them. The CLI creates edge devices as docker containers, therefore docker is a requirement for the CLI to work. The CLI uses the local k8s cluster pointed by the $KUBECONFIG environment variable or $HOME/.kube/config to obtain necessary information for the registration process.

To get started using the developer CLI, install the Flotta Developer CLI. Packages are available for fc36, epel8 and epel9 at project-flotta COPR repository.

sudo dnf -y copr enable project-flotta/flotta-testing
sudo dnf -y install flotta-dev-cli

You may enable auto-completion for the CLI by running the following command:

flotta completion bash > /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/flotta

Or (if the above command failed with permission denied error):

flotta completion bash | sudo tee /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/flotta

And by pressing the TAB key, you can use the auto-completion:

flotta <tab><tab><tab>
add         (Add a new flotta resource)                                   list        (List flotta resources)
completion  (Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell)  start       (Start flotta resource)
delete      (Delete the flotta resource)                                  stop        (Stop flotta resource)
help        (Help about any command)

Now, you can easily add a new edge device by running:

$ flotta add device --name device1
device 'device1' was added 

Note that the first execution of this command will take some since the edge-device image is being pulled to the local image registry. The image will be available for the next executions.

You can view edge device device1 under the list of the registered devices:

$ flotta list device
device1		running		46 seconds ago	

Once you have a registered edge device, you can deploy workloads on it:

$ flotta add workload --device device1
workload 'nginx1-21-6-ygneqhis' was added to device 'device1'

To view list of workloads use:

$ flotta list workload
nginx1-21-6-ygneqhis	Running		2 minutes ago	
nginx1-21-6-kkejlmol	Running		5 minutes ago	

You can also stop and start a registered device:

$ flotta stop device --name device1
edgedevice 'device1' was stopped 

# view stopped device status
$ flotta list device
device1		exited		2 minutes ago

# start device
$ flotta start device --name device1
device 'device1' was started 

# view started device status
$ flotta list device
device1		running		3 minutes ago	

Finally, if you wish to delete a device or workload, you can run:

# delete workload
$ flotta delete workload --name nginx1-21-6-kkejlmol
workload 'nginx1-21-6-kkejlmol' was deleted 

# delete device
$ flotta delete device --name device1
device 'device1' was deleted 


As things might not always be clear, here are some tips to help you:

  • flotta-dev-cli runs the edge device as a container, therefore you need to have docker installed and permissions to pull and image and to create a container.
  • Workloads are deployed as containers(by podman) in the edge device (a nested container).
  • Workloads are run under the flotta user. Workloads debugging needs to be done also as flotta user on the device.

Debug the device

To connect to a device, use docker command to list the running edge device containers and their status:

→ docker ps --filter label=flotta
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                      COMMAND         CREATED          STATUS         PORTS   NAMES
1ca4bf233b2f   quay.io/project-flotta/edgedevice:latest   "/sbin/init"    25 minutes ago   Up 25 minutes          edge1

With the device name or container ID, you can connect to the device by running:

→ docker exec -it edge1 bash
[root@1ca4bf233b2f project]#

Once connected to device, the yggdrasil daemon can be checked for errors:

[root@1ca4bf233b2f project]# systemctl status yggdrasild
● yggdrasild.service - yggdrasil daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/yggdrasild.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-07-26 12:58:04 UTC; 38min ago
       Docs: https://github.com/redhatinsights/yggdrasil
   Main PID: 128 (yggdrasild)
      Tasks: 30 (limit: 5671)
     Memory: 134.1M
        CPU: 12.229s
     CGroup: /system.slice/yggdrasild.service
             ├─ 128 /usr/sbin/yggdrasild
             └─ 147 /usr/libexec/yggdrasil/device-worker

And so yggdrasil logs can be viewed as well. The log contains also the output of the device-worker which is flotta’s component that runs the workloads. The log can be viewed by running:

[root@1ca4bf233b2f project]# journalctl -u yggdrasild

View logs is useful when you are debugging a device, failure to register or failure to deploy workloads.

Debug the workload

In case of failure to run the workload, the output of listing the workloads may show an undesired status:

→ flotta list workload
NAME                    STATUS  CREATED
nginx1-21-6-xmkdetkh    Exited  40 minutes ago

In order to debug a failure to run a workload, there is a need to connect as flotta user. flotta user was created with nologin shell, therefore you need to specify one to become flotta user:

→ docker exec -it 1ca4bf233b2f /bin/bash
[root@1ca4bf233b2f project]# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

# expected to fail
[root@1ca4bf233b2f project]# su - flotta
This account is currently not available.

# expected to succeed
[root@1ca4bf233b2f project]# su - flotta -s /bin/sh
-sh-5.1$ id
uid=1001(flotta) gid=1001(flotta) groups=1001(flotta)

As flotta user, you can view the workload system files:

[flotta@1ca4bf233b2f ~]$ ls -l /var/home/flotta/.config/systemd/user/
total 16
-rw-r--r--. 1 root   root    936 Jul 26 13:00 container-nginx1-21-6-xmkdetkh-nginx1-21-6-xmkdetkh.service
drwxr-xr-x. 2 flotta flotta 4096 Jul 26 13:00 default.target.wants
-rw-r--r--. 1 root   root    858 Jul 26 13:00 nginx1-21-6-xmkdetkh.service
drwxr-xr-x. 2 flotta flotta 4096 Jul 26 12:58 sockets.target.wants

and test their status:

[flotta@1ca4bf233b2f ~]$ systemctl status nginx1-21-6-xmkdetkh.service

Examine podman service status:

[flotta@1ca4bf233b2f ~]$ systemctl --user status podman
● podman.service - Podman API Service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/podman.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-07-27 12:05:58 UTC; 47min ago
TriggeredBy: ● podman.socket
       Docs: man:podman-system-service(1)
   Main PID: 203 (podman)
      Tasks: 13 (limit: 5671)
     Memory: 18.6M
        CPU: 10.142s
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1001.slice/user@1001.service/app.slice/podman.service
             └─ 203 /usr/bin/podman --log-level=info system service

And view podman logs to find for issues to run the workload:

[flotta@366d67a90f10 ~]$ journalctl --user -u podman

If you find an issue with flotta-dev-cli, please report it to the Github issue tracker.

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