Running Ansible Playbooks on Edge Devices
There may be cases in which you would like to be able to execute a scripts or commands in a device or on a group of devices. For example, in...
Read MorePublished on Jul 27, 2022 by Danielle Barda
The OSBuild operator provides a kubernetes API by the means of new Custom Resource Definitions for building OSTree images as part of OS lifecycle management, in flotta project.
The first release of the operator allows the user to build edge-container for RHEL images (RHEL >= 8.6) and make them accessible in S3 bucket.
Please see below the step-by-step guide for producing a new edge-container image. A complete demo can be found here
git clone
cd osbuild-operator
Here we will use Nexus for storing a RHEL image and make it accessible for installing OSBuild-Worker VMs.
Deploy Nexus operator by following the instruction here
and after deploying Nexus operator finished, create a new Nexus instance by running
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/deploy_nexus.yaml
Install the Nexus CLI
pip install nexus3-cli
Login to Nexus
oc get secret -n osbuild nexus-osbuild-admin-credentials -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 -d | xargs nexus3 login --url https://nexus-osbuild-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --no-x509_verify --username admin --password
Create a Hosted Raw repository named disk-images
nexus3 repository create hosted raw disk-images
Upload the rhel qcow2 image (it was tested with RHEL 8.6)
nexus3 upload rhel-8.6-x86_64-kvm.qcow2 disk-images
Deploy MinIO
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/deploy_minio.yaml
Create a bucket name osbuild-images. You can use the aws cli (please follow the installation instructions)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin aws --endpoint-url https://minio-s3-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --no-verify-ssl s3 mb s3://osbuild-images
Create a secret for the S3 credentials
oc create secret generic osbuild-s3-credentials -n osbuild --from-literal=access-key-id=minioadmin --from-literal=secret-access-key=minioadmin
Create a secret for the CA Bundle using the OCP route
oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress-operator router-ca -o "jsonpath={.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca-bundle
oc create secret generic osbuild-s3-ca-bundle -n osbuild --from-file=/tmp/ca-bundle
Find your Red Hat credentials and create a secret:
oc create secret generic redhat-portal-credentials -n osbuild --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> --from-literal=password=<PASSWORD>
Currently, the controller does not support creating the PostgreSQL server on its own, making this step mandatory
Edit the file config/creating_env/psql.env
and set a real password
Create the PostgreSQL server by running
oc new-app --env-file config/creating_env/psql.env postgresql:13-el8 -n osbuild
Edit the file config/creating_env/postgress_secret.yaml
with the same password
Create new secret (please enter a real encoded password)
oc create -f config/creating_env/postgress_secret.yaml
Create an SSH key-pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C cloud-user@external-builder -f ~/.ssh/external-builder
Create symlinks to the files to facilitate the next step
ln -s ~/.ssh/ config/creating_env/ssh-publickey
ln -s ~/.ssh/external-builder config/creating_env/ssh-privatekey
Generate the secret
oc create secret generic external-builder-ssh-pair --from-file=config/creating_env/ssh-privatekey --from-file=config/creating_env/ssh-publickey -n osbuild
Deploy the VM
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/external-worker-vm.yaml
oc wait -n osbuild --for='condition=Ready' vm/external-builder
Get VM Address
oc get vmi external-builder -o jsonpath={.status.interfaces[0].ipAddress}
Apply OSBuildEnvConfig
export EXTERNAL_WORKER_IP=`oc get vmi external-builder -o jsonpath={.status.interfaces[0].ipAddress}`
cat config/samples/osbuilder_v1alpha1_osbuildenvconfig.yaml | envsubst | oc apply -f -
Apply osbuildConfig that contains all the relevant configuration for running osbuild-composer job. You can use that sample:
oc create -f config/samples/osbuilder_v1alpha1_osbuildconfig.yaml -n osbuild
After applying osbuildConfig CR you should see a new osbuild CR that was triggered automatically
oc describe osbuild osbuildconfig-sample-1 -n osbuild
As part of that osbuild CR you can find the osbuild-composer job status, the job composer ID, and once the job finishes, you can also find the containerUrl in the S3 bucket
- message: Edge-container job is still running
status: ""
type: startedContainerBuild
- message: Edge-container job was finished successfully
status: ""
type: containerBuildDone
containerComposeId: 80125a8c-6e4a-42fe-8c06-8f90398fe5b1
Download the tar file to your local environment
curl -k <containerUrl> -o /tmp/local.tar
Upload the image to your Container Registry using skopeo, pay attention that a Path Prefix might be required (e.g. your account name)
export IMAGE_NAME=<Container-Registry-URL>/osbuild:v1
skopeo login --username <USER> -p <PASSWORD> <Container-Registry-URL>
skopeo copy oci-archive:/tmp/local.tar docker://${IMAGE_NAME}
Run the container
podman pull ${IMAGE_NAME}
podman run --detach --name osbuild-test -p 8080:8080 ${IMAGE_NAME}
Install a VM using a kickstart file that config the ostree to point to the running container
virt-install --name device --memory 4096 --vcpu 4 --disk size=8 --location <rhel-8.6-iso-location> --initrd-inject=/home/deploy/edgedevice.ks --extra-args="ks=file:/edgedevice.ks console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
The kickstart file should contain
ostreesetup --nogpg --url=http://<Host-Container-Machine-URL>/repo/ --osname=rhel --remote=edge --ref=rhel/8/x86_64/edge
Validate the rpm-ostre status is identical to the running container commit ID (from inside the VM)
curl -k http://<Host-Container-Machine-URL>/repo/refs/head/rhel/8/x86_64/edge
rpm-ostre status
There may be cases in which you would like to be able to execute a scripts or commands in a device or on a group of devices. For example, in...
Read MoreEdge Example App is an app for Flotta Edge devices, with a workload that will be deployed on the device that has two main features: Sensing the Internet (which helps...
Read MoreEdge Example App is an app for Flotta Edge devices, with a workload that will be deployed on the device that has two main features:
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